*We are not accepting new applications at this time as our wait-list is currently full.
We welcome new members at Hazelburn and we look for people who are interested in being active in creating a clean, safe and friendly place to live.
We want new members who will bring with them a spirit of commitment to the co-operative philosophy. Having members who work together ensures rent that is accessible and an environment where people feel at home.
Our members often become long term residents and some, even after moving away, come back to the Hazelburn community!
We encourage our members to select a committee that they feel would be the right fit for them. Choose a committee that you feel passionate about and know that you will be able to contribute to with your expertise and skill set. Each committee consensually determines that committee’s schedule and amount of hours each volunteer will be required to give.
Here is a list of our committees.
- Custodial Committee
- Garden Committee
- Membership Committee
- Office Help and Website Committee
- On Call Committee
- Property Management Committee
- Social Committee
- Sustainability Committee
Also, we elect a Board of Directors, CHF Delegate, and Ombudsperson / Privacy Officer.
Please note that all applicants over the age of 18 must apply for membership, this includes families applying with children over 18 who will be living with them.
Also please be advised that Hazelburn does allow most pets but dogs are not permitted. Service animals of all types are allowed but members must provide proper documentation. Please contact the office for more information.